Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flu, Flu go away!

My sweet, sick, sleeping baby!

I came home on Wednesday to a fussy, sick little Emmaleigh. I was hoping for anything but the Flu. Spencer and I took her to the doctor on Thursday morning and of course the doctor said the dreaded "flu" word. She has been on Tamiflu for 2 days now and she has made a little bit of progress. She is still really fussy and she has been sleeping a lot. I cannot wait for this to be over and for my sweet, bubbly Emmaleigh to come back to life! I was also feeling sick, so I made a trip to the doctor too. Thankfully, I don't have the flu...Just a sinus infection, double ear infections, and a stomach virus(that I believe is gone!) I'm going to try to blog on a regular basis so I can keep everyone up to date.